Sunday, January 10, 2021

Decisions #1 - The Processor

Alright I'm getting serious about moving this thing along. And it's a welcome distraction lately. And the wife is wondering when this 'project' is going to be 'done'. I'm vulnerable to analysis paralysis, the perfect crucifies the possible, and I let the cascading effects of system design decisions prevent me from accepting otherwise reasonable compromises... so got to get some things figured out to get moving. And stop buying 'good deals' on ebay before I know what I'm actually doing... so here goes!

Decisions #1
The Processor
Obviously this old Lexicon needs to get replaced, but with what? I want at least 7.2.4, Atmos, DTS-all-the-things. I do not need to virtualize speakers, I really just need a decoder with a volume dial. (actually I don't even really need a volume dial). I don't really need ARC/Audyssey either as I can do my own EQ/alignment if I have to - but prettty much every modern processor comes with all these things nowadays, so I probably will end up with it. I do need HDMI switching, 4K60 (HDMI2.0) is fine for me for the foreseeable future. I could keep this external but would prefer not to.

The candidates:
The obvious choice would be a newer Lexicon/rebranded Synthesis. A lightly used MC-12 is surprisingly cheap, but no HMDI so I would need to pair with an outboard HDMI switch and - more imporantly - no PCM surround, no atmos. A 12HD is still relatively cheap and has HDMI, but still no atmos. For not much more I could get new. I think I need to just plan on a buying a new processor.

JBL SDP-75 (Trinnov Altitude) - WAY out of my price range, but...drool. This thing is basically a massive DSP attached to a computer. You can watch the Atmos objects fly around in the 3D space. It's what all the geekiest of surround freaks are using right now.

JBL SDP-55 Looks like it has what I'm looking for - wait that back panel looks awfully like an Anthem AVM70. Is this the same hardware? Sure looks like it from the back. Dante is intriguting, I use it all the time in my commercial designs. But I don't think I want to spend the coin on the rest of my system to make it worthwhile. 

Emotiva - I've heard enough ????s to be a little gunshy 

Monoprice? Just like Harbor Freight, I've learned my lesson to not buy things you can plug in.

Anthem AVM70- 17 channels, good selection of formats, HDMI@4K60- seems like it will give me everything I need at the right price. But, it's vaporware. Right? Oh well - Sold! Pre-order submitted, now just waiting. Not that I would be ready if it landed tomorrow... I know I'm taking a leap of faith with this one - release delays do not inspire confidence. But I think I can accept some flakiness if need be (I say that now, not with the kiddo waiting to watch another pixar movie before bedtime...)

The Unboxing - Part 2


There are TWO of these monsters - 12" in a wedge shaped enclosure, mirrored L/R pair. I was more worried about these than the mains, as the cones are paper and the surrounds are foam.

NO PRAHBLEM! They look gorgeous The foam feels fine, the cones move easily.


One of the fun things about Synthesis is figuring out who makes all the other goods that JBL puts their name on. In 1997 one of the top signal processing makers was RANE and this is obviously made by them.

Obviously in 2020 we're going all digital so this thing is going away.


It makes me sad that this thing is basically worthless. At the time the Lexicon MC-1 was THE THING to have. I have been told that even as a 2-channel preamp this thing is incredible, but you probably couldn't convince anyone serious about 2-channel that today. This thing was even pre-DTS. I still use an MC-1 in my theater, and it sounds good for what it is, but honestly I'm not sure who would even want this thing at this point.

So far so good!

Decisions #1 - The Processor

Alright I'm getting serious about moving this thing along. And it's a welcome distraction lately. And the wife is wondering when thi...